Get an edge™ for your SEO with LRT.

Quick Backlink Checker

Check the top backlinks for a domain.

Analyze backlink profiles in seconds with a sample of top links. Find the strongest links of a domain or page quick and easy. Use Link Detox for the most complete view on your backlink profile.

Quick Backlink Checker 2

Check backlinks for a domain real quick.

Quick analysis of your backlink profile including link risk. Find the strongest links of a domain but also see the toxic ones.

Link Alerts

Link Alerts - Like Google Alerts for Links.

Get an e-mail notification whenever you get new links. You can use this monitoring technique to follow your competitors as well.

Link Check Tool

Link Verification and Monitoring.

Check if your backlinks are still alive. Now you can keep track of the links you build.

Backlink Profiler

Comprehensive backlink profile analysis.

Dive deeper into backlink data with 24 link data sources. Use our backlink profiler for a deeper look into your backlink profile for your own and your competitors’ sites. You can maximize the backlink profile coverage with Link Detox which uses 25 link data sources.

Bulk URL Profiler

Analyze 1000s of URLs and find the best links.

Analyze thousands of potential link sources. Import thousands of URLs and identify the strongest link potentials.

The web is constantly changing and this is why you need to keep up a Link Monitoring routine for your website and your business. It’s just like setting up Google Alerts for your brand or browsing the newspapers for news about your business.


Link Monitoring is the foundation for keeping your backlink profile steady and keeping track of all your links. It helps you prevent negative SEO attacks, analyzing your competitor’s backlinks and checking your existing links.

The importance of Link Monitoring is often forgotten by many SEOs. SEOs enjoy to focus on building new links while forgetting that the web is not static, but rather constantly moving. This is why new links can come naturally and links you build today could be gone tomorrow.

Link Monitoring tools are the solution for always knowing the current status of your backlink profile.

Keep links that help their rankings, watch out for new links that potentially hurt you.

  • Analyze backlink profiles in seconds.

  • Find the strongest links of a domain or page quickly and easily.

  • Get the most detailed backlink data.

  • The most comprehensive backlink profile for any site, including competitor sites.

  • Start looking at links in a completely different way

  • Understand the complete backlink profile perfectly, even if it consists of up to 100 million links.

  • Receive mail notification for each new link

  • Monitor the link activity of various websites, including those of competitors.

  • Track the validity of backlinks

  • Check if old or newly built links are still alive

Automated Link Monitoring with LRT Smart

With LRT Smart you can

  • Protect yourself from Negative SEO.
  • Take action with one click.
  • Enjoy beautiful interactive charts and reports.
  • Spot SEO issues and links hurting you.

And you can

  • Work with the richest and most complete backlink data possible.
  • Get Alerts about link and redirect problems.
  • Get Alerts about Negative SEO.
  • Track your backlink profile growth and risk over time.

LRT keeps track of new and broken links to all your websites

Monitor your backlinks

We keep on top of everything for you, every day.

You get automated and actionable recommendations on what to do with your site, links, redirects, opportunities or issues.

Click through from your project report email to take action, like disavowing or detail checking those broken or newly built links.

Comprehensive automated reports for your projects

You will receive reports like the example Project summary report mail you see in the box. If you want daily or even on demand.

You can keep track of the overall DTOXRISK with our colored DTOXRISK Trend graphs.

You see immediately if the trend goes in the wrong direction and can take further action, like a Complete Link Audit or other defensive measures.

Although the number of links are not a quality criteria, they still give you an idea what’s going on.

And let’s face it, every tool has them, and so we show them, too.

With LinkResearchTools however, you get qualitative data on top of these simple counters.

Top Issues and SEO Recommendations

LRT Smart provides you with automated SEO recommendations, and you see the most important ones in that email report already. With one click you are at the detail data and background info you need.

LRT Smart Project report

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